"Great job done by Gardas! Everything was efficient and punctual — like a clockwork. Quick measurements and quote, followed by a quick installation as promised. I would strongly recommend this company!"
Dan U

Premium Features. Standard.

Unlike other companies we will never charge you more for what we consider standard inclusions. Three point locking, bug guards and more . Get the job done right the first time.

See Security Doors
  • Built to Last

    All our products meet the Australian Standards, but most of them exceed by up to ten fold. Trust your security to Gardas for years to come.

  • Competitive Pricing

    We include premium features on our doors and screens at no extra cost. We have a product to suit your budget.

  • 24-hour quote turnaround

    We want the job done fast so you feel secure! Contact us for a quote and we will have it back to you within 24 hours.